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Struggling to pray? This might help.

U.37 / Connection

Whether you’ve been praying for years or are just starting, these practical tips will help you make prayer more personal, more meaningful, and more fulfilling.


When Should You Fight for Your Life?

U.33 / Connection

Explore the balance between self-defense and the Commandment “Thou shall not kill” by learning what the Catechism explains about upholding the sanctity of all human life.


Is it a sin to say “OMG?”

U.31 / Connection

Taking the Lord’s name in vain actually means “to not mean it.” If you want to grow in your relationship with God, think about using His name with more intention.


Decoding the Ten Commandments

U.29 / Connection

While the Ten Commandments state grave obligations, they also imply other ways we should live out God’s law in less grave matters.
