The Catechism’s Guide to Prayer led by the Holy Spirit
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The Catechism reminds us that while we can’t control the Holy Spirit, we can prepare our hearts and minds for prayer by relying on the Church’s “wellsprings” of prayer.
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The Catechism reminds us that while we can’t control the Holy Spirit, we can prepare our hearts and minds for prayer by relying on the Church’s “wellsprings” of prayer.
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The Psalms encompass all five types of prayer—blessing, praise, petition, intercession, and thanksgiving—guiding us to speak to God with honesty and depth.
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Whether you’ve been praying for years or are just starting, these practical tips will help you make prayer more personal, more meaningful, and more fulfilling.
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The Eighth Commandment calls us to live truthfully in our relationships and interactions, both on social media and in real life.
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The wisdom of the Tenth Commandment helps us resist the temptation of envy and coveting in today’s world of social media comparisons and invites us to find joy through humility,…
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Chastity is often misunderstood and challenging to practice, but it’s so much more than just ‘not having sex.’
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Explore the balance between self-defense and the Commandment “Thou shall not kill” by learning what the Catechism explains about upholding the sanctity of all human life.
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The Fourth Commandment teaches us that the relationship between a parent and child is a God-given relationship. Honoring our parents fosters harmony throughout all our family life.
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Taking the Lord’s name in vain actually means “to not mean it.” If you want to grow in your relationship with God, think about using His name with more intention.
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The catechism says the beatitudes are the heart of Jesus’ preaching that they reveal the goal of human existence.
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While the Ten Commandments state grave obligations, they also imply other ways we should live out God’s law in less grave matters.
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We are called to do our best, and rely on God for the rest. Jesus gives us the Holy Spirit, and the sacraments to give us strength.