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Unit 34/Podcast

Adultery, Healing, and Chastity in Pastoral Ministry with Dr. Bob Schuchts

In this episode, Edmund is joined by Dr. Bob Schuchts, founder of the John Paul II Healing Center and the author of the best-selling book, "Be Healed: Encountering the Powerful Love of Jesus in Your Life." They delve into topics around sexual sin and the 6th and 9th Commandments, exploring issues of adultery, chastity, and healing within a ministry context.

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Show Notes

00:00 – Edmund introduces Dr. Bob Schuchts, a therapist and founder of the John Paul II Healing Center, who has spent over 30 years working in ministry and family therapy. They discuss the 6th and 9th Commandments, focusing on the complexities of adultery and covetousness, and the broader implications of sexual sin. Dr. Schuchts emphasizes the profound impact of sexual sins and violations on individuals and relationships, advocating for a deeper understanding of these issues through his work and the Catechism.

09:08 – This part of the episode focuses on the unintended consequences of “vows” made in response to personal trauma, like adultery witnessed in one’s family growing up. Dr. Bob explains that vows made out of fear or judgment can have a negative impact on our lives. He highlights the importance of approaching vows and commandments not from a place of fear, but through a positive perspective of living one’s values in the Holy Spirit’s power and freedom. The conversation also touches on the broader implications of such vows for healing and living authentically in accordance with God’s design.

17:03 – In this segment, the discussion centers on overcoming the denials associated with adultery. Dr. Bob and Edmund discuss the four specific denials: denial of the act itself, denial of wrongness, denial of consequences, and the denial of hope. Dr. Bob emphasizes the role of shame and isolation in perpetuating sexual sin and highlights the importance of confronting these feelings to foster healing and communion. They discuss strategies for encouraging openness and healing in ministry settings, suggesting practical exercises for acknowledging and confronting one’s past within a supportive community.

25:21 – In the closing of the episode, the conversation focuses on understanding and practicing chastity within and outside marriage. Dr. Bob emphasizes that chastity is about seeing sexuality through God’s perspective, and highlights the importance of understanding divine intentions for sexuality, as illustrated in the Theology of the Body. Practical advice for growing in chastity includes recognizing personal violations of chastity and pursuing healing through the Sacrament of Confession and the Eucharist. For married couples, discussing feelings of use within the relationship and fostering mutual respect and dignity is advised. Dr. Bob and Edmund also discuss the broad implications of sexual teachings in understanding human relationships and personal growth in love.

Continue this Unit


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