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What happens at Confirmation?

U.16 / Explanation

The Sacrament of Confirmation seals us with the Holy Spirit and connects us more deeply to Christ, and the Church, and her mission.


What is Baptism?

U.15 / Explanation

Baptism gives us a new life, brings us into God’s family–the Church, and changes us radically and permanently.


What are the sacraments?

U.14 / Explanation

Are the sacraments more than the simple actions and words involved? Through the sacraments Jesus makes himself visibly and tangibly present to us and the world around us.


What is liturgy?

U.13 / Explanation

In the Mass we participate in the “work of God” as the “people of God.” Through, with, and in Jesus, we offer our lives to God the Father in the…


What happens after we die?

U.12 / Explanation

Jesus said that at the end of time, all of us will be given a new body and rise from the dead. This applies to all people — those who…


Who is the Holy Spirit?

U.8 / Explanation

Just like a soul enlivens a body, the Holy Spirit unites and animates all the members of the Church and the Holy Spirit makes us alive in Christ.
