What is God’s plan for salvation?
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Through grace, we can respond to God’s invitation to be justified through Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit.
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Through grace, we can respond to God’s invitation to be justified through Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit.
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There are human virtues (prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance) and theological virtues (faith, hope, and charity).
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As humans with free will, we are responsible for choosing between right and wrong. Discerning what is right or wrong, good or bad is what we call morality.
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God created in our hearts a desire for infinite happiness and planned for us to share in his life of infinite happiness. This plan is what we call our divine…
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The Church, in celebrating a funeral, recognizes the fulfillment of the deceased person’s sacramental journey of hope that began at Baptism.
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The Church has instituted sacramentals — through which God showers us with grace and prepares us to receive the sacraments. There are three main “types” of sacramentals: blessings, consecrations and…
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In marriage, Jesus gives spouses sacramental grace to take up their crosses and follow Him. By this grace, spouses learn to lay down their lives for each other and for…
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Priests play a unique role in the Church because they, in a special way, are the hands and feet of Jesus and allow us to receive the sacraments and hear…
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Jesus wants to be with us in our suffering so he gave the Church the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.
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When you feel prompted by the Holy Spirit, don’t be afraid to seek healing and forgiveness through the Sacrament of Penance.
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In the Mass, Heaven and earth, all the angels and saints, come together in communion with Jesus Christ to participate in the worship of God.
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Through the sacrament of the Eucharist, Jesus gives us himself in a radical way.