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Discussion Guides

We are excited to announce the launch of Discussion Guides for each unit of Real + True content. These discussion guides can be used by individuals or in a group setting to dive deeper into the Catechism. These guides also include recommendations for sharing videos with others, whether friends and family or in a parish setting.

We hope and pray Real + True helps others rediscover the “pulsating heart of the catechism,” as Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa stated in his sermon on the catechism to the papal household, a heart that has a face and a name – Jesus Christ.

Pillar 1: The Creed

Pillar 2: The Sacraments

Pillar 3: Life in Christ

Pillar 4: Prayer

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Also, use the Real+True Discussion Guides in Spanish:

Pilar 1:

Pilar 2:

Pilar 3:

Pillar 4: