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Unit 36/Podcast

Truth, Witness, and the Eighth Commandment with Ryan O’Hara

In this episode, Edmund Mitchell welcomes special guest Ryan O’Hara to dive into the Eighth Commandment.

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(00:00) In the opening of the episode, co-host Edmund Mitchell and guest Ryan O’Hara explore the deeper meaning of the 8th Commandment, “You shall not bear false witness.” Ryan reflects on his ministry experience and emphasizes the transformative power of speech, truthfulness, and formation in living a life rooted in integrity.

(09:02) In this portion of the podcast, Edmund and Ryan explore the 8th Commandment’s connection to trust, truth, and relationships. They emphasize the power of words to build or destroy trust, referencing both Christian teachings and real-world examples. The discussion highlights the importance of integrity and how speech can unite or divide communities.

(21:18)  In this segment, Edmund and Ryan explore the distinction between conviction and condemnation in ministry, emphasizing the need to guide people toward repentance with compassion. They discuss repairing relationships through honest apologies and forgiveness, as well as the importance of ministers modeling trust and truthfulness while offering support to those hurt by the Church or others.

(31:16) In the conclusion of the podcast, Edmund and Ryan discuss practical tips for ministers on presenting the 8th Commandment to others. They reflect on the balance between truth and love, addressing the struggle of people-pleasing and the sin of omission. Ryan also highlights the importance of honesty in relationships and points listeners to his podcast “Better Preach” for more resources on preaching and teaching.

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What is truth?


Truth, Trust and Relationships


Social Media, Bragging, and Truth

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