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Unit 39/Podcast

Using the Liturgy, Church Documents, and Scripture in Catechesis on Prayer

In this episode of the Real+True podcast, hosts Emily Mentock and Edmund Mitchell explore prayer's wellsprings in the Holy Spirit and the Church.

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(00:00) Emily and Edmund discuss learning to pray personally and with the Church, highlighting the Catechism’s four wellsprings of prayer: Scripture, liturgy, the virtues, and Christian living. They share practical tips for encountering Jesus through Scripture and emphasize prayer as a relationship that deepens through the liturgy.

(08:47) – The conversation dives deeper into practical ways to help others pray with scripture and liturgy, emphasizing the call-and-response dynamic and the Liturgy of the Hours. These practices can help us even outside of Mass and train our hearts to engage deeply with prayer, Scripture, and the rhythms of the Church’s liturgical life.

(17:06) Emily and Edmund explore aspiration prayers—short, scriptural prayers like “Come, Holy Spirit”—as a way to “pray without ceasing” and integrate prayer into daily life. They discuss teaching these prayers, connecting them to liturgy, and unlocking deeper meaning behind structured prayers to enrich catechesis and evangelization.

(27:50) – Emily and Edmund discuss encountering God today through prayer, inspired by Brother Lawrence’s Practice of Presence and the Catechism’s call to embrace the present moment (CCC 2659). They highlight prayer as a journey of the heart, guided by the theological virtues—faith, hope, and love—as the foundation of our relationship with God.

(33:52) – The episode ends with a recap of the importance of teaching others to “fish” by leading them to the Church’s wellsprings where Jesus waits. They encourage catechists to revisit these wellsprings, including Church documents, for inspiration and to deepen their own encounter with Christ.

Continue this Unit


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