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Unit 10/Proclamation

Who are the best role models?

You’ve probably heard that you become like the five people you surround yourself with. This begs the question, who should you surround yourself with?

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What is the ‘communion of saints’?


Two things Catholics should know about the communion of saints


Who makes up the Church?

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The power of breath

U.8 — CCC 683-747

Breathing can change how we feel, or alter our physical abilities. If we are not just body but also soul, what is this breath that keeps us alive?


The mystery of life

U.6 — CCC 232-421

Life exists all around us. But have we ever stopped to think, what exactly is life? What does it mean to exist? How do we define life?


What’s in a name?

U.5 — CCC 185-231

Names have power and express identity. They tell others about who we are. Think of ancient times — you could learn about a person just by knowing their name. Even…


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