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Was Jesus a Real Person (or Really God)?

U.7 / Proclamation

There are many historical figures who made an impact on the world. Maybe we think of Jesus in this line up. While other religious figures have claimed to find “a”…


The mystery of life

U.6 / Proclamation

Life exists all around us. But have we ever stopped to think, what exactly is life? What does it mean to exist? How do we define life?


What’s in a name?

U.5 / Proclamation

Names have power and express identity. They tell others about who we are. Think of ancient times — you could learn about a person just by knowing their name. Even…


Searching for our origins

U.2 / Proclamation

The desire for an understanding of our origins spans across science, religion, art, and the human condition, but why are we so curious about where we come from?


What would Earth be like without maps?

U.1 / Proclamation

Maps are arguably one of the most important human inventions ever, and also probably one of the oldest. Why are humans so fascinated with knowing where we are and where…
