How Helping Others Changes Us
U.27 / Proclamation
By putting others first, you can transform your heart and your neighborhood.
WatchU.27 / Proclamation
By putting others first, you can transform your heart and your neighborhood.
WatchU.26 / Proclamation
As humans, we think, feel, and decide to act. So the question we’re left with is: how will you use your free will to act?
WatchU.25 / Proclamation
The problem of finding happiness has been contemplated for thousands of years. Did you know that new studies show that having social connections improves our health and well-being?
WatchU.24 / Proclamation
In life, we are faced with the conflict between the reality of life and our hope in a happy ending to the story. But there’s good news!
WatchU.23 / Proclamation
Humans are physical beings and spiritual beings. We seem to need physical things, signs, to be imbued with spiritual significance to help us on our journey.
WatchU.22 / Proclamation
Our society is built on promises. Families and marriages are the building blocks of societies. Marriages are one of the most meaningful promises or oaths we can make today.
WatchU.21 / Proclamation
These ordained men are set apart to continue Jesus’ ministry and play an important role by preaching, offering the Sacraments, and serving “in the person of Christ.”
WatchU.20 / Proclamation
Fascinating research about addiction and the role community plays in recovery has revealed that recovery from addiction is about more than physical healing.
WatchU.19 / Proclamation
Is Catholic guilt real? How should we respond when we feel guilty?
WatchU.18 / Proclamation
Bread, wine, and the temple all have deep context to the Jews of Jesus’ time. And Jesus used these elements to institute the Eucharist. In the Mass, our worship of…
WatchU.17 / Proclamation
How are we sustained in a “super-abundant way” through our spiritual journey and adventure of life? The Eucharist.
WatchU.16 / Proclamation
Historically, proving the authenticity of a message or messenger posed a challenge. So humans came up with a creative idea — a seal to protect the contents of important documents…