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Unit 32/Podcast

Family, Trauma, and Honoring Your Father and Mother with Brya Hanan

In this conversation, guest Brya Hanan joins to discuss the Fourth Commandment, trauma, healing, and the challenges of parent-child relationships.

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Show Notes

00:00 Brya Hanan explains her journey into therapy, highlighting her passion for helping marginalized individuals and exploring the integration of psychology and faith. She emphasizes the importance of holistic healing and discusses the evolution of trauma awareness in therapy, shedding light on trauma-informed approaches. Edmund introduces the complexities of parent-child relationships, setting the stage for a nuanced exploration of presenting the Fourth Commandment in evangelization and catechesis while navigating family dynamics.

07:27 The discussion shifts to the trend of young adults estranging themselves from parents due to trauma and the challenges within parent-child relationships. Brya explains how trauma affects attachment bonds, emphasizing the significance of emotional safety. She delves into the stressors parents face and their impact on relationships, advocating for healthy boundaries and tough conversations. Practical advice includes therapy, prayer, and discernment guided by the Holy Spirit.

14:33 Brya discusses the importance of listening to the Holy Spirit and discerning how to respond when someone is sharing difficult family dynamics. She advises pointing individuals toward healing resources like therapy and spiritual direction. Edmund explores differentiating between common family challenges and more serious issues. 

20:52  Brya suggests approaching discussions around family challenges with curiosity and empathy, drawing from personal experiences to gently guide individuals towards resources like therapy and spiritual direction. She emphasizes the importance of emotional regulation and attunement in parent-child relationships, fostering trust and authentic faith. Resources include books on attachment theory and articles exploring the link between healthy attachment and one’s relationship with God. 


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Why did God command us to honor our parents?


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