U.23 / Connection
Some people who see Catholics with statues, rosaries, certain prayers, scapulars, candles, might be tempted to think these things are just superstition. Sacramentals open us up to receiving grace from…
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Holy water is a sacramental. Holy water reminds us of our Baptism and should encourage us to continue to walk in the new life we received in Baptism.
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Our society is built on promises. Families and marriages are the building blocks of societies. Marriages are one of the most meaningful promises or oaths we can make today.
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In marriage, Jesus gives spouses sacramental grace to take up their crosses and follow Him. By this grace, spouses learn to lay down their lives for each other and for…
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The Catholic Church cares about marriages, and has the authority to determine if a marriage is valid or not based on a set of criteria.
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The Church calls the exchange of vows consent—that is, the act of will by which a man and a woman give themselves to each other, and accept the gift of…
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These ordained men are set apart to continue Jesus’ ministry and play an important role by preaching, offering the Sacraments, and serving “in the person of Christ.”
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Priests play a unique role in the Church because they, in a special way, are the hands and feet of Jesus and allow us to receive the sacraments and hear…
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Bishops, priests, and deacons all receive an imprint in the sacrament of Holy Orders that cannot ever be removed, but play three distinct roles in the sacramental life of the…
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Priestly formation includes human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral formation in seminary. During this time, a man enters deeply into prayer and learns to listen well to God.
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Fascinating research about addiction and the role community plays in recovery has revealed that recovery from addiction is about more than physical healing.
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Jesus wants to be with us in our suffering so he gave the Church the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.