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The Power of Public Acts

U.13 / Proclamation

Have you ever participated in something much larger than yourself? Modern history is filled with powerful examples of a group of people transcending their own individuality and changing history for…


What is liturgy?

U.13 / Explanation

In the Mass we participate in the “work of God” as the “people of God.” Through, with, and in Jesus, we offer our lives to God the Father in the…


How to die well

U.12 / Proclamation

Do you think about your death? We will all die, and there is one really important way to know about preparing for your death.


What happens after we die?

U.12 / Explanation

Jesus said that at the end of time, all of us will be given a new body and rise from the dead. This applies to all people — those who…


How to forgive

U.11 / Connection

Forgiving others allows us to lay down the weight we would otherwise hold onto. Forgiveness frees our hearts.
