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Unit 1/Podcast

The life of man is to know and love God

The Real + True Podcast is a place for us to discuss the unit of videos in more detail, dive deeper into the content, and share a bit of the behind the scenes of working toward our mission.

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Show Notes

[00:30] Welcome and Updates!

Emily and Edmund open the first episode sharing about the launch of Real + True and set the tone for the purpose of this podcast and what we’ll cover in each episode.

[01:47] Unit Overview

A brief overview of the videos from Unit 01 and the thesis statement that holds it all together. 

[03:04] Content Strategy and The Ecclesial Method

We explain the content strategy behind Real + True, and the catechetical method that influenced this strategy – the Ecclesial Method.

[05:13] Unit 01 Thesis: The Life of Man is to Know and Love God.

Emily and Edmund break down the thesis statement for Unit 01.

[06:58] Proclamation Video

Emily and Edmund discuss  the Proclamation Video from Unit 01, what they loved and what they hope it accomplishes for people curious about the faith.

[09:13] Explanation Video

Discussion of the Explanation Video from Unit 01.

[11:10] Stand Out Catechism Paragraphs

In this segment, we share one catechism paragraph from the unit that stood out to us. We’d love for you to pray and read through the catechism yourself, and let us know what paragraph stood out to you and why. Let us know on social media!

[16:00] Mission of Real + True

We discuss the mission and vision behind Real + True in more detail, and share our heart for the project and hopes for its future.

Continue this Unit


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