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Is it a sin to say “OMG?”

U.31 / Connection

Taking the Lord’s name in vain actually means “to not mean it.” If you want to grow in your relationship with God, think about using His name with more intention.


Decoding the Ten Commandments

U.29 / Connection

While the Ten Commandments state grave obligations, they also imply other ways we should live out God’s law in less grave matters.


Why do Catholics pray for the dead?

U.24 / Connection

Even if our loved ones are on their way to heaven, they probably weren’t perfect. Purgatory is the last purification we go through before entering heaven, so that we can…


Are Catholics superstitious?

U.23 / Connection

Some people who see Catholics with statues, rosaries, certain prayers, scapulars, candles, might be tempted to think these things are just superstition. Sacramentals open us up to receiving grace from…


How to use Holy Water

U.23 / Connection

Holy water is a sacramental. Holy water reminds us of our Baptism and should encourage us to continue to walk in the new life we received in Baptism.
