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Unit 3/Podcast

God desires to reveal himself to us

Get a behind-the-scenes look at production on the proclamation video featuring Edmund's kids and hear an idea for a Unit 3 video that didn't move into production. Plus: an exciting announcement!

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Show Notes

[00:53] Welcome and Unit Overview!
Emily and Edmund open the third episode sharing a brief overview of the videos from Unit 03 and the thesis statement that holds it all together. “God Desires to Reveal Himself to Us.”

[01:45] Proclamation Video
We explain the content strategy behind the Proclamation Video, and a little behind the scenes of how we brainstormed and came up with the approach to this video.
[05:35] Stand Out Catechism Paragraphs
In this segment, we share one catechism paragraph from the unit that stood out to us. We’d love for you to pray and read through the catechism yourself, and let us know what paragraph stood out to you and why. Let us know on social media!

[06:57] Divine Revelation and the Jewish Wedding Feast
In this segment, we talk about the deposit of faith and revelation as it relates to a story of an ancient Jewish wedding tradition of veiling the bride.

[14:01] Explanation and Connection Videos
Discussion of the Explanation and Connection Videos from Unit 03.

[18:24] Closing Thoughts
We are so excited about the reaction to the pilot and reaching 1 million views! We hope you join us in sharing unit three with your friends and family. Thanks for joining us in the mission of Real + True!

Continue this Unit


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How does God reveal himself to us?


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The Big 3: Scripture, Tradition, and the Magisterium

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