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Echo down the faith

On the Real+True podcast, we want to help you use the Catholic Church’s Catechism more effectively for evangelization and catechesis. We interview experts in different fields and connect their experience and knowledge to ways of unlocking the Catechism for the modern world. We will also share a bit of the behind-the-scenes work and mission to help people unlock the beauty and truth of the Catechism and help them encounter its pulsating heart: Jesus. Watch and subscribe to the podcast on YouTube and listen to it on SpotifyAppleGoogle, or Amazon.

Evangelizing Catechesis in Catholic Schools


Emily and Edmund welcome John Galvan, Vice President of Assessments at the National Catholic Education Association. John has served in Catholic ministry for many years and brings to the podcast…


Art and catechesis with Dr. Jem Sullivan


What role does ‘beauty’ play for our catechesis in the modern world? Emily and Edmund welcome Dr. Jem Sullivan, an expert in catechesis and sacred art, and professor at the…
